Laser Services
Backroads Beauty Aesthetics is proud to offer a variety of laser services to meet your needs. All laser services require a consultation before treatment. During this visit we discuss concerns, risks, benefits, alternatives and treatment plans. A consultation fee will be assessed and applied as credit on your first service. Package discounts are available!
Laser Hair Removal: LHR uses a concentrated beam of laser energy that is absorbed by the pigment (melanin) in hair. This destroys the growing part of the hair follicle by heating which prevents or delays future hair growth. This can effectively delay hair growth for long periods. A minimum of 6-8 treatments are needed for initial hair removal, and maintenance treatments will likely be needed as well. LHR is most effective for people who have light skin and dark hair, but it can be successfully used on almost skin types. Treatments are usually done 4-6 weeks apart.
Laser Photofacial: IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) uses pulses of light to target pigmented areas, small veins, freckles, rosacea, age spots and uneven skin texture. Photothermal energy stimulates skin cells to regenerate collagen, reduce redness and treating pigment in the dermis. IPL is non-ablative, with minimal downtime. We also have a specific IPL protocol to treat acne! The number of treatments required will depend on your skin and your desired results. To achieve the best results, a series of 3 sessions should be completed approximately 4-6 weeks apart with maintenance sessions around once to twice per year.
Laser Skin Resurfacing: Erbium skin resurfacing is an ablative procedure that uses laser energy to remove the outer layers of skin, revealing new refreshed skin underneath. Resurfacing can be used to help smooth skin tone and texture, reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, pigmented areas, and scarring. Erbium resurfacing stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, which gives skin its’ youthful fullness. You should plan for downtime with this procedure, which will vary based on treatment goals and response. The number of treatments required will depend on your skin and your desired results. To achieve the best results, a series of 3 sessions should be completed approximately 4-6 weeks apart with maintenance sessions around once to twice per year.
Laser Tattoo Removal: Tattoo removal is a gradual process requiring a series of treatments. During the tattoo removal process, pulses of laser energy are administered that penetrate the skin and are absorbed by the tattoo ink. This heating process shatters the ink. Over time your body will remove the ink. Laser tattoo removal results can be variable. The tattoo may lighten or fade, and sometimes may not completely remove a tattoo. Everyone will have unique results based on, but not limited to: tattoo age, ink density, depth, color and composition, and overall patient health. Bright green, yellow and blue tattoos are more challenging to treat. Tattoo removal requires a minimum of 8 treatments, and may require several more. Treatments are done 8-12 weeks apart
Small spider and facial veins can be treated using laser as well. The laser energy (heat) damages the vein, causing it to collapse. Over the next few weeks, the spider vein will disappear and the remnants will be removed by the body’s own processes. Depending on the size and number of veins, multiple treatments may be needed. Treatments are usually done 8-12 weeks apart. Those with a tendency towards vascular problems will most likely require additional treatments, and may require other therapy for feeder veins prior to treatment.
Melasma Treatment: Melasma can be a challenging skin condition to treat. Removing triggers is the first and most important step in treatment. Next, appropriate skincare, including a nonchemical SPF, is one of the most important aspects. Aside from chemical peels, melasma can be treated with certain laser services which use photoacoustic waves to break up pigment which the body then removes.